Monday, January 30, 2012

Amor Real

The first telenovela I began watching was Amor Real. From the beginning of the theme song they show the two protagonists together in a field. Things are happy, they are in love, and everything is moving in slow motion. When the scene changes, so does the music. A more fast-beat song begins to play with a sense of danger arriving. This lets you know things aren’t going to be easy in many aspects for these lovers. It is set in the 19th century so the problems that arrive match the time period and the typical problems that happened during that era. Also, the telenovela corresponded with the culture and setting the show and makers portrayed.
I watched it with a few friends and they enjoyed it as well. However, they appreciated it in a different way. Latino people and watchers of the show understand what sort of feelings and emotions should be happening based on what’s going on. Besides facial expressions and music leading you to those feelings, other people don’t exactly understand how big the events may be. For instance, although my friends knew something intense was happening, they could not stop laughing. It may have been because usually when someone is that dramatic people in our society find it entertaining and humorous. The character’s situation and level of infortune added to the crazy story line.
Furthermore, within the first five minutes, the telenovela contained many of the story topics you told us about. There was a young couple in love. However, the woman was wealthy and the man was not. At the same time her mother was trying to marry her off to a wealthy gentleman. The mother did not know about the relationship, but would most likely not support it. At the same time, with another family, a father died and his son inherited all of his money. It did not show their interaction, but you can assume their social class (and possibly her mother) is what will bring them together. In such a small amount of time so much happened. And you can feel that so much more is about to unravel. Like you said the story leaves you wanting more and I’m so excited to see what’s next! (:


  1. You make a very good point as to how the music pertains to what will soon occur. As you mentioned the fast beat song meant that the situations weren't going to be easy in the aspects of the lovers. It amazes me how music can mean so much in a telenovela and even regular shows. Slow beat music usually prepares you for a frightening scene or a fast beat song can prepare you for a shocking moment. I believe that producers think critically about this aspect of creating shows to develop different possible senses and reactions from the viewers. The music prepares me for what is going to happen next and it really hypes my excitement!

  2. From what I heard and what you describe Amor Real is a telenovela rosa. Especially since it's set in the 19th century, what is portrayed and emphasized is the basic cinderella story. What I wanted to comment on is the difference in consumption. Whereas people here find telenovelas to be overly dramatic and find it humorous, people in other places can more easily relate to those characters and parallel their emotions. This reflects the cultural differences between people in the U.S. and people in Argentina or Venezuela, for example. Perhaps people here find it funny not because they cannot relate to the problems the characters are going through, but because in our society no one reacts that way to their problems. Similarly to what was discussed in class towards the beginning of the semester, the U.S. has a "move on" attitude towards heartache, whereas in hispanic cultures people dwell on their sorrows in what is called "despecho". I find it amazing what one can discover about different cultures solely by watching telenovelas. Thus, in at least the way people deal with their problems, telenovelas do serve as a window of society.


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