Saturday, March 3, 2012

Eva Luna Final Blog Post

It is official: I have become addicted to Eva Luna. I watch it in my free time when I do not need too. This addiction has made this course so enjoyable and much easier to complete the assignments. One of the things that I first noticed about Eva Luna was the music. The theme song is extremely catchy even though I do not speak spanish and have no idea what they are saying. As I mentioned in a previous blog, whenever Eva and Daniel have a romantic moment the theme song plays in the background. I also noticed that there was a new song introduced towards the end of the series. This song is titled Eva Luna and was obviously written specifically for this telenovela. I have also experienced many instances of of incidental music. My favorite of these types of music is the suspense incidental music. It makes the scenes much more dramatic and intense. While Victoria does not have specific character music, she always seems to have suspense music following her which is most likely because she is the most dramatic character on the series. I still have one episode left to watch and I cannot wait to see what happens!


  1. I just finished watching Eva Luna myself! The ending was very touching! Wait until you see what the little girl does! I really enjoyed watching the telenovela as well. It seemed like at every moment, someone was having a new baby, while someone else was pointing a new gun. I found that Eva Luna had great plot twists as well and it was great how all of the character's stories seemed to tie together at the end. I think it was a creative plot. And Pau Gasol, one of my favorite basketball players shows up!

  2. Molly, I said the same exact words about my telenovela:I have fell in love with Corazon Salvaje! As soon as I heard the tune to its catchy theme song I knew I was tuning in to something wonderful, and now I have the theme song downloaded to my iPod. Eva Luna was my first choice for this class and after reading your blog posts I've decided I'm going to watch it next as I continue my new pastime.


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