Thursday, March 1, 2012

Post #3 - La Madestra

La Madestra has got me hooked! I cannot stop watching it. I actually cut down study time just to watch this telenovela. I tell myself to only watch an hour of it, but I end up watching like two or three hours instead. Before I started watching it, I was like I will never get hooked because I barely watch television to begin with. At first it was a little hard to keep up with all the characters in my telenovela, but when I did I got even more hooked. Im almost ashamed to admit it. Last class we talked about music in telenovelas, so I focused a lot on the music that was being play throughout the telenovela while I was watching it. I noticed that the music that was being played had no lyrics. Most of the music was produced from a piano. Depending on the scene the piano was manipulated to match the mood. It was interesting to pay attention to the music carefully.


  1. I completely get it! I am so hooked to my telenovela at this point! I'm watching Una Maid en Manhattan and the music, as in most telenovelas, is very important. Although, my telenovela soesn't focus too much on music. They have less variations of the music less often than most. However, when they do play music, something big just happened. The makers only use music to emphasize the extreme. Nevertheless, it works just as well.

  2. I'm glad to hear that you like La Madrastra! It's a telenovela that I remember watching every now and then with my mom. I always stuck around for the very dramatic and revealing events. I don't remember the exact novela all too well but I do know that it took a fresh perspective of a novela by playing it out as a murder-case story.

    As far as music goes in the telenovela I'm watching, the music never fails to add a bit of a punch to the current scene it's playing. Music plays such a huge role in the presentation of characters and events.It makes everything so much more dramatic. It's no wonder that we're all getting hooked to our telenovelas!

  3. La Madrastra sounds like a very interesting telenovela. I also think that the music in these productions add a very interesting message to them. It adds a way that makes the audience feel the scenes and the actions that are taking place during a given time. My friend tells me that this telenovela has an amazing twist to it. He told me that it builds up amazingly, and that it does a great job at never making it predictable of the audience to figure out the ending.


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