The Title of my telenovela is Corazon Salvaje, which means the "savaged heart" in reference to the four main characters of the telenovela. When I first began watching it, I didn't think I would like it because is a "de epoca", or from another time period set in San Pedro Beliz. The fact that it was based on an older time period turned me off a bit, but as soon as I thought that i didn't like it the first 5 minutes changed my mind completely.
Francisco is a wealthy land owner with a wife and a son. he brought in a "friend" for his son to play with and within the first five minutes of the show, tragedy struck. Francisco was killed and his wife found out that her son, Andres, new "friend" was actually her brother. Francisco got a lower class lady pregnant during his engagement to his wife, and after he found out that she had died and he had another son he decided to make his family complete. his wife didn't approve and after her husband's death she band Juan, the son from the affair, from her house. From this point i knew that telenovela could only get better and better from here. I began predicting the events for the rest of the story. I knew that Juan and Andres would meet up again when they became adults, but the circumstances in which they met ttok me by a total surprise.
I'm still debating on whether this telenovela is Rosa-style or Reptura-style. The telenovela showcases the prejudices against lower classes, but it has yet to state anything about the government directly. Over the next week I will be conducting research on my telenovela and continue to work my way to the completion of the story. I must say along with my love of Reese's, Scooby-Doo, and Strawberry Fanta, Telenovelas are seeming to become a part of that category.
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