This is a class blog run by Dr. Carolina Acosta-Alzuru and her students in the University of Georgia's First Year Odyssey Seminar "More than melodrama: Telenovelas." Spring 2012.
Monday, March 5, 2012
yo soy betty la fea final post
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Eva Luna Final Blog Post
Friday, March 2, 2012
Una Maid en Manhattan - 3
blog Post 3: Finale
Por favor, ¡bésala!
Esa Hembra Es Mala
"..ella esta tan bonita/ que hasta parce bendita/ pero es un angel caido/ ella es una maldicion.."
lyrics in Enlish: "..she is so beautiful/ she even appears holy/ but she is a fallen angel/ she is a curse.."
These few lines, I think, are the most defining of the telenovela's protagonist, Teresa. If you skip about 20 seconds into the video I have linked, you see Teresa. She is very attractive--an expected standard from the telenovela world. She is, however, somewhat of a "fallen angel" as it says in the opening song. Viewers at home can see that side of her more; characters in the novela cannot. Or better said, they are more prone to being ignorant of Teresa's greedy and manipulative nature. With her pretty face and acting skills, Teresa is particularly able to fool guys from realizing her true goals. The theme song makes it a point to say that Teresa is evil despite that she would "..give up her own life/ just to make you happy..". Because, really, making "you" happy will most likely means Teresa gets what she desires from you.
Las Letras No Mienten
What I felt when I saw, I can not express in words
But the untimely under our lives, As someone else already shares his day
And although he would not live without, I do not want a love hidden
Give me patience to wait, Give me hope to fight
God give me strength and a signal"
FYO Experience
Defining Music
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Post #3 - La Madestra
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Blog Post #3: Rebelde
Monday, February 27, 2012
El Juramento-- The BEST SUSPENSE telenovela EVER!
I watched El Juramento for my last blog post. This story is surrounded around a guy named Santiago who is determined how his brother Diego died. Santiago comes to find out that Diego killed himself after a woman named Alma had abortion that was said to be Diego’s child. Alma also refused his marriage proposal. Santiago’s goal is to simply seek revenge. Throughout the telenovela, Santiago narrows down his two possible options for women who wronged his brother, Alma and Andrea. Therefore, he sets out to determine which one was the cause of his brother’s death in order to make one of their lives miserable. This telenovela’s suspense is INSANE! I love telenovelas with lots of suspense where I just keep watching and watching. I was definitely hooked by this telenovela. The first thing I noticed in this specific telenovela was the immediate change in music. Within the first 45 seconds of the first episode, a suspicious character appeared and the fun, upbeat music changed suddenly to a slow moving beat as the suspicious character entered. I love the fact that now I can predict what is going to happen within a telenovela solely based on the music that is being played. Two characters Llego and Santiago are having a phone conversation where even though I could not necessarily understand what was being said, I could tell that the conversation was turning bad by the change of rhythm of the music. As the telenovela goes on, one character has a baby. The music mimics a song similar to a nursery rhyme. There was a lot of incidental music that helped me to understand the flow of the telenovela. During more love scenes, songs would play with instruments such as a saxophone that helps toward the romantic vibe within the scene. I really enjoyed learning the aspects of a telenovela. Now, when I watch any tv shows, I listen out for the music, I observe the protagonists, I think about how the show affects the outside world. I feel like a producer more like. I really enjoyed this class and I have found a new love for watching telenovelas!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Yo soy betty la fea
Friday, February 24, 2012
Choppy Story Line
Friday, February 10, 2012
Blog Post 2: Rubi
Teresa, Not Your Typical Protagonist
Overall, Teresa is different than most leading characters in telenovelas. She isn't quite the "good girl" and I like that. Within the first couple episodes, I noticed her great ambition to overcome her socioeconomic obstacles. Money clearly drives her in her journey of this novela. This novela, it seems to me, will show the journey of Teresa as she transforms from being a naive, poor girl to being manipulative and evil.
The telenovela Teresa stands out from a long list of past and current novelas because of the different approach taken in the protagonist view. The story of the telenovela is interesting and entertaining and the cliff-hangers make me want to keep on watching from break to break and episode to episode.
Blog Post #2: Rebelde
Another reoccurring story line that is used in many telenovelas is the unknown discovery of something that happened to a parent. This rendition of the story is with Mia and her mother. Mia formerly did not know how her mother died, but a secret envelope that was delivered to her told her that her mother died in a car accident with a musician she was dating at the same time that she was married to her father. After this travesty, Mia begins to find comfort in Roberta's mother, Alma Rey. Alma also begins to become a mother figure that Mia never had, completing her family and further complicating her relationship with Roberta.
I believe that further in the story, there will be more ups and downs with the 3 love triangles and more complications with Roberta and Mia's relationship before they resolve their friendship towards the end.
Telenovela Issues and Thoughts on the First Episode
Corazon Salvaje
Francisco is a wealthy land owner with a wife and a son. he brought in a "friend" for his son to play with and within the first five minutes of the show, tragedy struck. Francisco was killed and his wife found out that her son, Andres, new "friend" was actually her brother. Francisco got a lower class lady pregnant during his engagement to his wife, and after he found out that she had died and he had another son he decided to make his family complete. his wife didn't approve and after her husband's death she band Juan, the son from the affair, from her house. From this point i knew that telenovela could only get better and better from here. I began predicting the events for the rest of the story. I knew that Juan and Andres would meet up again when they became adults, but the circumstances in which they met ttok me by a total surprise.
I'm still debating on whether this telenovela is Rosa-style or Reptura-style. The telenovela showcases the prejudices against lower classes, but it has yet to state anything about the government directly. Over the next week I will be conducting research on my telenovela and continue to work my way to the completion of the story. I must say along with my love of Reese's, Scooby-Doo, and Strawberry Fanta, Telenovelas are seeming to become a part of that category.
Dame Chocolate
When her grandfather dies shortly after, she moves to the United States with her family to take her place as the factory owner. In the factory, there is a new PR agent, Samantha Porter. She is the drop-dead gorgeous, but heartless antagonist. She sees Rosita as competition and does her best to humiliate her whenever possible. Samantha, Bruce, and Rosita create the first love triangle. Bruce is initially attracted to Samantha, but also finds himself falling for Rosita as he sees her innocence and genuineness. Here is a picture of the three of them. Rosita is on the left and Samantha is on the right.
When a friend from Mexico named Angel travels all the way from Mexico to the United States to confess his love to Rosita and request her hand in marriage, it forms another love triangle between Rosita, Bruce, and Angel. Here's what Angel looks like. He's kind of creepy in the telenovela, so I understand why she rejects him.
Dame Chocolate is produced by Telemundo, an American telenovela company in Miami. You can tell that this is an Americanized telenovela. Occasionally the characters will say random English phrases. Bruce one time said "Hey mom" in English and then started speaking to her in Spanish. Rosita's cousin said "oh my gosh!" and Bruce's mother always says Samantha Porter with an American accent.
Overall, I'm enjoying watching this telenovela so far. It is very, very dramatic and ridiculous at times, but no matter how ridiculous it is, I still want to keep watching!
Betty La Fea
Monday, February 6, 2012
Eva Luna 2
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Mi Corazon Insiste: What is the media portraying through telenovelas?
Monday, January 30, 2012
Amor Real
The first telenovela I began watching was Amor Real. From the beginning of the theme song they show the two protagonists together in a field. Things are happy, they are in love, and everything is moving in slow motion. When the scene changes, so does the music. A more fast-beat song begins to play with a sense of danger arriving. This lets you know things aren’t going to be easy in many aspects for these lovers. It is set in the 19th century so the problems that arrive match the time period and the typical problems that happened during that era. Also, the telenovela corresponded with the culture and setting the show and makers portrayed.
I watched it with a few friends and they enjoyed it as well. However, they appreciated it in a different way. Latino people and watchers of the show understand what sort of feelings and emotions should be happening based on what’s going on. Besides facial expressions and music leading you to those feelings, other people don’t exactly understand how big the events may be. For instance, although my friends knew something intense was happening, they could not stop laughing. It may have been because usually when someone is that dramatic people in our society find it entertaining and humorous. The character’s situation and level of infortune added to the crazy story line.
Furthermore, within the first five minutes, the telenovela contained many of the story topics you told us about. There was a young couple in love. However, the woman was wealthy and the man was not. At the same time her mother was trying to marry her off to a wealthy gentleman. The mother did not know about the relationship, but would most likely not support it. At the same time, with another family, a father died and his son inherited all of his money. It did not show their interaction, but you can assume their social class (and possibly her mother) is what will bring them together. In such a small amount of time so much happened. And you can feel that so much more is about to unravel. Like you said the story leaves you wanting more and I’m so excited to see what’s next! (:
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Eva Luna
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
My Mom aka Telenovela Lady
The going-ons of the telenovelas would also get my mom gossiping to me about what she thought was going to happen and what should have happened, etc. I thought it cute for my mom to be so enthused about telenovelas--that's her thing. They are a part of her and she is a part of them. Telenovelas are dramatic and exaggerated in just about every aspect and so is my mom. When she gets happy, she gets HAPPY. When my mom gets mad, she gets MAD. I could swear that my mom's expressions have been shaped by the many novelas she has watched over the years.Telenovelas and my mom go hand-in-hand and it mainly for this reason that I signed up for this FYOS class.
As far as choosing a novelas goes..I'll probably pick Teresa. This novela interests me because the female protagonist isn't the typical good-girl. She has a very selfish and cunning personality that she masks with a pretty face. I have seen parts of episodes last year when it first aired but never actively followed the story. I would like to watch it and see how it unfolds in the end because I imagine it to have an ending different than the lovey-dovey telenovelas.
¿Qué hora es?
Before this semester, I really never had any interest in watching telenovelas. I watched maybe a few minutes when I was flipping through channels to see how much of the Spanish I could understand, but I never followed any of the characters or really cared about the outcome. I always assumed that telenovelas were just like American soap operas. I find soap operas to be dry, shallow, and overall not very entertaining. (When I'm at my grandparents' house, I get my fare share of soap operas because they watch about 4 hours of them every day.) I got very sick of soap operas very fast, which is the reason that I never tried actually following any telenovelas. Telenovelas were to me just made of over-dramatic, bad acting in Spanish instead of in English, kind of like this "telenovela" called ¿Qué hora es?
But in the past two classes, some of the clips of telenovelas the Dr. A showed us actually sparked my interest. Some of them seemed to me like real stories with real characters that I would enjoy watching and finding out how they face the challenges of life. Juana, La Virgen really stuck out to me. After seeing la entrada, I wanted to watch it to find out about Jauna, how she felt when she was pregnant with a child that she shouldn't have had, how she was treated by others, and how she fell in love with the father of her baby. I didn't think that I would be very interested in the life of a fictional character from a telenovela, but seeing all the different types of telenovelas, and seeing that they are much different from American soap operas, I'm excited to start watching the telenovela I choose, and following the ups and downs of the life of the protagonist.
Samantha Peykoff
Take One
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Telenovelas: What I'm Currently Thinking
Un Maid en Manhattan
Telenovela decision
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
La Fella Mas Bella
Rebelde: Thoughts on the 1st episode
Monday, January 23, 2012
First Impressions.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Welcome to More than melodrama: Telenovelas
In this blog you will practice the fundamentals of critical thinking via blogging about telenovelas. Your blog entries should reflect your thought process and your learning experience as you go through the course. In other words, your posts should be a thoughtful (and creative) expression of yourself. If you wish, you can complement your entries with images, videos or other media.
Blog entries will be of two types:
- Open topic entries: You are free to analyze, comment and/or reflect on any of the topics and readings we will cover in class. You can also write about the telenovela(s) you are analyzing for your class assignments. Be warned that mere description won't meet my expectations.
- Responses/comments to entries: A good blog builds a community. In that spirit, you should comment on the entries posted by your classmates or by me, be those open topic entries or responses to others’ posts. Your comments must be substantive and add to the conversation. In other words, merely stating “I agree” or “good point” is not nearly enough.
You must write at least three open topic entries and four responses/comments before the course ends. These entries should be spread out. Therefore, I expect to find at least one new open topic entry written by each of you by:
- January 27
- February 10
- March 2
There are no predetermined deadlines for responses/comments. All are due by March 5 at midnight. (I highly recommend you also write your comments through the weeks and not leave their writing for the last day).
Again, welcome to our seminar!